Effective March 1, 2016, e-Delivery, a service that will allow for the electronic submission of filing documents for general jurisdiction personal injury cases, will be available on the Court’s website at www.lacourt.org. Upon the implementation of e-Delivery, the Los Angeles Superior Court will no longer accept filings for general jurisdiction personal injury cases via fax filing. Documents can still be filed in person at the filing window.
Upon receipt of a document submitted electronically, a “Notice of Receipt of Documents” will be sent to the email address provided by the user. This notice will contain the eFiling ID number and will confirm that the Court has received the document(s). Provided the information supplied is complete and the fees paid are correct, the document(s) will be filed with the appropriate courthouse as if filed in person. Once filed, an email notifying the submitting party of such, along with an electronic conformed copy, will be sent. A notifying email will also be sent if the document is rejected.
The cost of e-Delivery is as follows:
• Applicable motion filing fee and/or first paper fee pursuant to the LASC fee
• $4.95 convenience fee paid to the third party vendor
• 2.75% of the filing and/or first paper fee which will be waived if the filer has been pre-approved and utilizes the third party vendor’s Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payment option
E-Delivery will be utilized solely for cases assigned to the following courtrooms:
Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Departments A10 and A11
Stanley Mosk Courthouse Departments 91, 92, 93, 97 and 98
Documents cannot be filed through e-Delivery if any of the following are true:
• The document involves an attorney-client fee dispute
• Filing party is legally incompetent, a guardian ad litem or under conservatorship
• An initial fee waiver is being filed
• Request for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities (MC-410) is being filed
• Cases later deemed complicated and transferred from one of the personal injury courtrooms (listed above) to another courtroom.
NTA e-Delivery Project Implementation
Parties with cases assigned to courtrooms utilizing e-Delivery must still reserve a date for law and motion hearings on the Court’s website via the Court Reservation System (CRS). For more information regarding CRS, please visit the Court’s website at www.lacourt.org.
The Court will not be responsible for any delays or rejections of claims arising from information provided by users that is incomplete or inaccurate. Filing a document electronically does not alter or extend any filing deadline. As with fax filing, a document that is received electronically by the Court after the close of business (4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Court holidays) is considered to have been filed as of the next court day. Use of e-Delivery or its content does not supersede any statutes, rules, and/or policies and procedures related to motions and/or giving notice. Sensitive personal information must be removed or redacted. Failure to do so may result in the imposition of sanctions.
On Jan. 26, 2016, at 4:30 p.m., the Court will hold a meeting in Dept. 1 of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, located at 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles, for attorneys/bar association members during which specific information and a brief demonstration of the e-Delivery project will be provided. Legal assistants and secretaries are welcome to attend. For additional information on the e-Delivery process, parties are directed to the Court’s website at www.lacourt.org under Online Services, e-Delivery after Feb. 22, 2016.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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