Effective May 30, 2017, a new case management system will be implemented in all courthouse locations with family law courtrooms. Units impacted by this change include the Clerk’s Office, Family Court Services and the Resource Center for Self-Represented Litigants in each of the following locations:
Central Civil West Pasadena
Chatsworth Pomona
Compton Santa Monica
Governor George Deukmejian Stanley Mosk
Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Torrance
Norwalk Van Nuys
All family law courtrooms in the above locations will be dark on May 25 and 26 to accommodate the conversion of records into the new case management system, and training needs for staff. Restraining order proceedings and ex partes will not be impacted by the two day closure of courtrooms.
Please be aware that during the week following implementation, the process of filing documents is anticipated to take longer than usual. To the extent possible, it is suggested that you avoid filing nonpriority documents between May 30 and June 9.
The new system will provide efficiencies for staff and enhance the court’s ability to maintain complete and easily accessible records.
Counsel and parties are instructed to identify the assigned judicial officer and department on the first page of all documents filed with the clerk, beneath the case number, to ensure proper departmental assignment, calendaring of hearings, and distribution of documents.
The roll-out of the new case management systems will continue to impact other areas of litigation. The Court appreciates your patience while we make the transition to the new systems.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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