At its meeting on Aug. 26, the Los Angeles City Council honored the Los Angeles Superior Court (LASC) and the Museum of Tolerance for their partnership and work concerning the SHADES program. Non-profit group Parents, Educators & Students in Action (PESA) was also honored for its support of SHADES.
SHADES, which is an acronym for Stop Hate and Delinquency by Empowering Students, is a specialized program that is part of LASC’s Teen Court program, an alternative early-intervention program that allows eligible juvenile offenders to be questioned, judged, and sentenced by a jury of their peers. Currently, more than 20,000 students, 60 judicial officers, and 50 volunteer attorneys and law school students participate in 38 active high-school-based Teen Courts throughout Los Angeles County.
Teen Court SHADES cases specifically involve juvenile offenders who have engaged in biasmotivated crimes, hate incidents, and bullying due to a victim’s race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or gender. Student jurors who hear SHADES cases undergo an intensive, week-long training at the Museum of Tolerance to develop an understanding of issues and problems related to diversity, prejudice, hate, and bullying and to learn the skills sets to help effectively adjudicate these crimes and hate incidents.
See full article at: https://www.lacourt.org/newsmedia/uploads/1420169213562716NRLACCtoHonorLASCforTeenCourtShadesProgramFINAL.pdf
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