Need Training?
Do you have a new hire that needs training or do you know someone looking to get into the field? If so, NextGen Legal and LPI will be conducting an eight-week, work-at-your-own-pace online course starting on March 14 and ending on May 9, 2023. This course will cover the following:
- Introduction to the Law Office
- Duties of the Legal Secretary
- Effective Telephone Skills
- Effective Oral Communication Skills
- Effective Written Communication Skills
- Calendaring and Timetables
- Basic Grammar Skills
- Transcription and Proofreading Techniques
- Court Structure
- Citations
- Service of Legal Documents
- Preparing a Proper Caption
- Preparation of Documents Filed with the Court
- Basics of Civil Litigation
- Demand for Production of Documents
- Request for Admissions
- Depositions/Deposition Subpoenas
- Demand for Physical Examinations
- Discovery Timelines. Service and Verifications
Classes will take place online utilizing video lectures, discussion boards, email, whiteboard sessions, chat rooms, and quizzes. Login information will be provided upon enrollment in the course.
The cost of the training course, which includes the Legal Secretary’s Reference Guide, is $180 for LPI members/$250 for non-LPI members. Each individual must register separately. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certificate from LPI. Register for Course
If that doesn’t interest you, consider taking the work-at-your-own-pace online six-week course, Overview of California Discovery starting on March 14 and ending on April 25, 2023. This course will cover the following:
- Interrogatories
- Demand for Production of Documents
- Requests for Admissions
- Depositions
- Demand for Physical Examinations
- Deposition Subpoenas
- Discovery Timelines and Service
- Verifications
The modules for this class will be taken from the Beginning Legal Secretary Training course for people that have worked in a law office but are new to civil discovery.
Classes will take place online utilizing video lectures, discussion boards, email, whiteboard sessions, chat rooms, and quizzes. The content of this course is designed for legal secretaries and those studying for the California Certified Legal Secretary examination.
The cost of the class is $125 for LPI members/$175 for non-LPI members. Each individual must register separately. Upon completion of the class, students will receive a certificate of completion from LPI. Register for Course
If you have already taken the Beginning Legal Secretary Training and the Overview of California Discovery consider taking the six-week, a work-at-your-own-pace course in Advanced Discovery starting on March 21 and ending on May 2, 2023. This course will cover the following:
- Drafting Interrogatories(Form, Contention and Special Interrogatories)
- Drafting Demand for Production of Documents
- Drafting Requests for Admissions
- Drafting Deposition Notices
- Drafting Demand for Physical Examinations
- Drafting Deposition Subpoenas
- Drafting Subpoenas for Production of Documents
- Motions to Quash
- Answering Interrogatories
- Answering Demand for Production of Documents
- Answering Requests for Admissions
- Objections to Discovery Requests
- Meet and Confer Letters
- Motions to Compel Further Responses
Classes will take place online utilizing video lectures, discussion boards, email, whiteboard sessions, chat rooms, and quizzes. Login information will be provided upon enrollment in the course.
The cost of the training course is $200 for LPI members/$250 for non-LPI members. Each individual must register separately. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certificate from LPI. The cost includes an Advanced Discovery Reference Guide. Register for Course
In March NextGen Legal and LPI will be offering one more work-at-your-own-pace, eight-week, online course, Trial Preparation starting March 21, 2023, and ending on May 16, 2023. This course will cover the following:
- Pretrial Procedures
- Trial Subpoenas
- Expert Discovery
- Non-Expert Discovery
- Organizing Trial material and Files
- Computers and Technology
- Calendaring Deadlines
- Issue Outline
- Trial Notebook
- Witness List
- Witness Binders
- Impeachment Evidence
- Trial Exhibits and Exhibit Binders
- Trial Brief
- Voir Dire
- Motions in Limine
- Verdict Forms
- Jury Instructions
- Jury Selection
- Opening Statement
- Closing Statement
- Bench Trials
Classes will take place online utilizing video lectures, discussion boards, email, live Q&A sessions and quizzes. Login information will be provided the day before the course is scheduled to begin.
The cost of the training course is $350 for LPI members/$400 for non-LPI members. Each individual must register separately. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certificate from LPI. Cost includes a Trial Preparation Reference Guide. Register for this course
If you prefer individual live webinars during the lunch hour consider one of the following:
March 14, 2023 – Automatic Table of Contents in Word. This webinar will be taught by June Hunter and will cover how to add headings by applying automatic heading styles; updating your table automatically whenever you make a change; how to change formatting of the text in the Table of Contents to suit your pleading; and how to create a custom Table of Contents. Register for Webinar
March 23, 2023 – Difficulties in Applying for SSDI. This webinar will be taught by attorney, Roopen Parekh and he will review the difficulties in applying for SSDI and what you can do to help your clients get through the process. Register for Webinar
Categorized in: General
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