If you are new to Legal Professionals, Incorporated (LPI), and you have heard references towards a series of acronyms, you are probably wondering what they mean? When you find yourself in this position, please don’t be afraid to ask someone. The members of LPI are happy to answer your questions. But we thought we would shine a spotlight on a few and provide some key information on how they relate to one another.
So, what do PRC, LOPM, and LPH have in common?
The Publications Revision Committee (PRC) is a committee of legal professionals who are responsible to make sure that all the publications, that were created by LPI, are updated regularly. Those publications are:
Law Office Procedures Manual (LOPM), which is the handbook for all California Legal Professionals. This handbook covers key information for California Courts, California Rules of Court, and covers important information in most areas of the law, such as Civil, Family Law, Bankruptcy, Criminal, Corporate, and more.
Legal Professionals Handbook (LPH) is another must-have handbook that up-to-date information about the California Courts that are cross-referenced to code sections as well as other publications. You may recognize these by the big blue binders that may be sitting in your firm’s library.
Both informative handbooks are published through The Rutter Group. You can find information about them on the LPI website or by calling 800-747-3161, extension 2. Did you know LPI members receive a 30% discount? Call the number and let them know, you are a member of LPI to receive your discount.
If you are not a member and would like to learn more information, please visit us at www.LegalProfesssionalsInc.org/become-a-member/ to learn more. And while on the site, under the ABOUT tab, click on WHO WE ARE to learn more about our history.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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