Effective April 8, 2013, all filings for general jurisdiction civil, non-personal
injury cases for the Northeast District of the Los Angeles Superior Court must
be filed in the North Central District. As of that date, the Northeast District
shall no longer accept general jurisdiction civil, non-personal injury filings or documents.
It is further ordered that all pending general jurisdiction civil, non-personal
injury cases files in the Pasadena Courthouse (Northeast District) are to be
transferred to either the Glendale Courthouse, or the Burbank Courthouse.
Accordingly, all general jurisdiction civil, non-personal injury cases with a
calendar date on or after April 8, 2013, and noticed for the Pasadena
Courthouse, shall be re-calendared for hearing at either the Glendale
Courthouse or the Burbank Courthouse, with notification to given by an
LASC clerk.
As of April 8, 2013, the Northeast District shall no longer accept general
jurisdiction civil, non-personal injury filings or documents.
This information is also available on the Los Angeles Superior Court website at
www.lasuperiorcourt.org under the section entitled Consolidation Plan.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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