The Judicial Council proclaimed November “Court Adoption and Permanency Month” in California to recognize the ongoing efforts and achievements of juvenile courts and their justice partners to improve the outcomes for families and children in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. This year, the council worked with the Legislature, which also declares November “Court Adoption and Permanency Month.”
Local Court Adoption Events
Throughout the month, courts will hold events finalizing adoptions. Courts that will participate in Adoption Day celebrations in the superior courts in:
El Dorado
Los Angeles
San Bernardino
Santa Clara
San Diego
San Francisco
San Joaquin
Foster Care Statistics
Each year in California, nearly 500,000 reports are made of child abuse and neglect and approximately 21,000 children enter foster care for the first time.
Currently, about 60,000 children in the state live apart from their families in foster care and 40% of these children have been in foster care for more than 2 years.
About 8,300 children remain in “temporary” care after more than 5 years.
22% of youth in foster care are between the ages of 16-20.
Of the 28,000 children who were able to leave foster care in the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017, 49% were reunited with their families, 24% were adopted and 11% achieved permanence through legal guardianship, including nearly 1,400 in relative guardianships.
Since 1999, the Judicial Council has observed and continues to reaffirm November as “Court Adoption and Permanency Month.”
Categorized in: Court Notices
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