Please take note of amended CRC Rule 3.670 and new CRC Rule 3.672 regarding Remote Proceedings.
CRC Rule 3.670 (c)-(i) Telephone Appearances [amended]: subdivisions (c) through (i) regarding telephone appearances are suspended from January 1, 2022, to July 1, 2023, during which time the provisions in Rule 3.672 apply in their place.
CRC Rule 3.672 Remote Proceedings [new]: implements provisions of CCP § 367.75 regarding remote proceedings in civil cases.
(d) Allows court discretion to require an in-person appearance
(e) Allows a court, by local rule, to prescribe procedures for remote appearances as long as the procedures are consistent with CCP § 367.75
(f) Parties may provide notice of remote appearance for the duration of the case at any time; or for each proceeding, according to the deadlines outlined in this rule is dependent upon the length of notice required for the proceeding
(g) Establishes deadlines for providing notice of remote appearance in any proceeding other than an evidentiary hearing or trial
(h) Establishes deadlines for providing notice of remote appearance in evidentiary hearings and trials
(h)(3) Establishes deadline and procedure to file and serve an opposition to notice of remote appearance at an evidentiary hearing or trial
Requires use of the following new mandatory Judicial Council Forms:
RA-010 [New] Notice of Remote Appearance
RA-015 [New] Opposition to Remote Proceeding at Evidentiary Hearing or Trial
RA-020[New] Order Regarding Remote Appearance
CIV-020 [Revoked] Notice of Intent to Appear by Telephone
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