Did You Know…………..
- When preparing a Guardianship Petition the fee waiver request is based on the ward’s income, or whether the ward receives government benefits NOT the income of the Proposed Guardians.
- Pursuant to Family Code 6552, If a caregiver does not have Guardianship they can sign a Caregiver Authorization Affidavit to obtain medical care or enroll the child in school if the following are true:
The Caregiver provides a statement that the child lives in their home and the Caregiver provides a statement that there is no objection by parents or parents cannot be located. This document does not need to be witnessed or notarized.
- Pursuant to Probate Code 1510, a minor child (12 years of age or older) may file a Petition for Guardianship requesting a specific person be appointed as their guardian.
- The Consent of the Guardian is not required for any medical or surgical treatment where the ward alone may consent: Blood donation, surgical care related to prevention; or treatment of pregnancy, contagious disease, or rape.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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