Effective June 1, 2018

1. All documents must be text-searchable, in PDF (portable document format) while maintaining the original document formatting.

2. The page numbering of a document filed electronically must begin with the first page or cover as page 1 and use only Arabic numerals (e.g., 1, 2, 3).

3. In appeals, a brief and an appendix filed pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 8.124 must contain electronic bookmarks. A brief must include electronic bookmarks to each heading, subheading and component of the brief (such as the table of contents, table of authorities, certificate of word count, certificate of interested entities or persons, and proof of service if included with the brief), and to the first page of each exhibit or attachment. Each bookmark to an exhibit or attachment must include the letter or number of the exhibit or attachment and a description of the exhibit or attachment. An appendix must include electronic bookmarks to each component of the appendix and to each document contained in the appendix; each bookmark to a document must include the name and date of the document.

4. A document consisting of multiple files must include on the cover pages of each file, (i) the file number, (ii) the total number of files, (iii) the page numbers contained in that file, and (iv) the total number of pages for all the files. The first file must include a master chronological and alphabetical index stating the contents for all files. The remaining files must include a cover page, but an individual index is not required.

5. In original proceedings, a petition or response must include electronic bookmarks to each heading, subheading and component (such as the table of contents, table of authorities, petition, verification, points and authorities, declaration, certificate of word count, and proof of service if included within the petition), and to the first page of each exhibit or attachment, if any; each bookmark to an exhibit or attachment must include the letter or number of the exhibit or attachment and a description of the exhibit or attachment.

6. In motions, a motion must include electronic bookmarks to each component (such as points and authorities, declarations, and proof of service), and to the first page of any exhibits or attachment. Each bookmark to an exhibit or attachment must include the letter or number of the exhibit or attachment and a description of the exhibit or attachment.

7. No single PDF file may exceed a total of 25 megabytes. If a filing exceeds this file size limitation the TrueFiling user must either (a) submit the filing in multiple parts or (b) provide the court with the filing in electronic format on a CD (compact disc), DVD or flash drive. Please note any audio files must be submitted in .wav or mp3 format and any video files must be submitted in .avi or mp4 format.

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