The Court of Appeal. Fourth Appellate District, Division Two (Riverside), has announced its intention to destroy the following civil and juvenile records under Rule 10. 1028(d) of the California Rules of Court.
The court will destroy all original proceedings fi led from 1995 to 2004.
These cases encompass criminal and civil cases preserved for a period longer than 20 years.
To request a copy of cases on this list, send an email to kevin.lane@jud.ca.qov.
Anyone who knows of a reason why any of the above cases should be retained, whether for historical or other purposes, should notify Kevin J. Lane, Clerk/Administrator. The reasons for retention should be in writing, should be received by the court by Friday, May 22, 2015, and should be addressed to:
Mr. Kevin J. Lane, Clerk/Administrator
Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District
750 B Street, Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92101
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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