New Members Initiation Ceremony

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    Natalie J. Chop, CCLSnataliejchop

    We have three (3) new members coming into our association. We are beyond thrilled! However, I just need to get my hands on a soft copy of an initiation ceremony by this Monday. I was hoping it was in our LPI Members Only Content, but I don’t see it. Maybe we can add it there?

    Anyways, if there’s a membership chairperson out there who reads this post, please email me your initiation ceremony. Thanks. Natalie Chop, CCLS ( Mt. Diablo LPA Vice President/Membership

    Dawn ForgeurDawn Forgeur, CCLS

    HiNatalie, here is Sacramento’s script:

    PRESIDENT: The Chair recognizes Vice President __________.

    VICE PRESIDENT: With us this evening are ________(names of new members). Would you please join me up front?

    VICE PRESIDENT: In accepting membership as an active member of this association, you also become a member of Legal Professionals, Incorporated. Your membership entails certain obligations of fidelity, cooperation, and allegiance to the Code of Ethics.

    VICE PRESIDENT: The Code of Ethics reads as follows:

    VICE PRESIDENT: “It shall be the duty of each and every member to observe all laws, rules, and regulations now or hereafter in effect relating to confidentiality and privileged communication, acting with loyalty, integrity, competence, and diplomacy in accordance with the highest standard of professional conduct.”

    VICE PRESIDENT: Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm to adhere to the foregoing Code of Ethics of Legal Professionals, Incorporated? If so, please respond by saying, “Yes.”

    VICE PRESIDENT: Congratulations! Please join me in welcoming our new members.

    Natalie J. Chop, CCLSnataliejchop

    This is perfect, Dawn. Thanks. Can we add this to Members Only Content also?

    Elise Dresserelisedresser

    Hi Natalie, Santa Clara County LPA uses the same script as Sacramento. 🙂


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