February 2023 Seminars – Deadline to Register is 2/17/2023!
By Mary Lou Floyd, CCLS, CEC/LSS Coordinator
Changes in the Law – that is the focus of the seminars being held on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at the LPI Quarterly Conference being held in San Mateo, CA.
The first CEC/LSS seminar begins at 11:00 a.m. By popular demand, Jeanine DeBacker, Esq. (McPharlin Sprinkles & Thomas LLP) will be providing updates for Federal and Employment laws.
The next CEC/LSS seminar starts at 1:45 p.m. Hazel Bradshaw, Esq. (Johnston Kinney & Zulaica LLP) will be providing updates for Family Law and Criminal Law.
The final CEC/LSS seminar starts at 3:15 p.m. Azita Rahim, Esq. (Johnston Kinney & Zulaica LLP) will be providing updates for State and Probate laws.
If you are new to e-filing documents or it’s one of your tasks, you don’t want to miss the LPT Adobe seminars being taught by June Hunter. Check out the flyer to see which seminar meets your needs – Adobe: Getting Documents E-filing Ready or Intermediate Adobe. There is a nominal fee for these seminars, but June is an excellent instructor and you are bound to learn something new and useful.
FREE – a free seminar begins at 1:45 p.m. Our very own Vivian Shreve, CCLS will be teaching Legal Computations. If you are studying for the CCLS exam, are in a CCLS study group, or need to brush up on legal computations, you won’t want to miss this seminar.
You can attend the seminars in person or via Zoom. Registration and payment are easily accessible online at LPI’s Third Quarterly Conference – Legal Professionals, Inc. – LPI : Legal Professionals, Inc. – LPI (legalprofessionalsinc.org).
See you in February!
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