LPI will be offering its Beginning Legal Secretarial Training Course online. This course will be an eight week, work-at-your-own-pace online session commencing July 18, 2023 and ending September 12, 2023. During the course, the following topics will be covered:
- Introduction to the Law Office
- Duties of the Legal Secretary
- Effective Telephone Skills
- Effective Oral Communication Skills
- Effective Written Communication Skills
- Calendaring and Timetables
- Basic Grammar Skills
- Transcription and Proofreading Techniques
- Court Structure
- Citations
- Service of Legal Documents
- Preparing a Proper Caption
- Preparation of Documents Filed with the Court
- Basics of Civil Litigation
- Demand for Production of Documents
- Request for Admissions
- Depositions/Deposition Subpoenas
- Demand for Physical Examinations
- Discovery Timelines. Service and Verifications
Classes will take place online utilizing video lectures, discussion boards, email, whiteboard sessions, chat rooms, and quizzes. Login information will be provided upon enrollment in the course.
The cost of the training course, which includes the Legal Secretary’s Reference Guide, is $180 for LPI members/$250 for non-LPI members. Each individual must register separately. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certificate from LPI.
Registration is closed.