These requirements are issued pursuant to California Rules of Court (“CRC”), rules
2.250 et seq., Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6, and San Diego Superior Court General Order: In re Procedures Regarding Electronic Filing. Effective November 1, 2013, documents that are determined to be unacceptable for eFiling by the Court due to eFiling system restrictions or for failure to comply with these requirements will be rejected subject to being allowed to be filed nunc pro tunc to the original submittal date upon ex-parte application to the court and upon good cause shown. It is the duty of the plaintiff (and cross-complainant) to serve a copy of the General Order of the Presiding Department, Order No. 010214-24A, and Electronic Filing Requirements of the San Diego Superior Court with the complaint (and cross- complaint).
Effective March 4, 2013, documents may be filed electronically in non-mandated civil cases in the Central Division where either: (1) the case is first initiated on or after March 4, 2013; or (2) the case is already pending as of March 4, 2013 and has been imaged by the court. Effective June 30, 2014, documents may be filed electronically in non-mandated civil cases in the North County Division where either: (1) the case is first initiated on or after June 30, 2014; or (2) the case is already pending as of June 29, 2014 and has been imaged by the court.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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