Effective February 9, 2015, the calendar schedule for Dept 7 has been modified.
Please take the time to review the specific modification at www.eldoradocourt.org.
Traffic infraction arraignments will be heard on Mondays with check in at 1:00 pm (instead of Fridays).
All law and motion matters will be heard on Wednesdays. Long cause hearings are scheduled for 8:00 am, which includes Serna, 1538.5, Pitches, discovery, contested VOPs and contested restitution and prop. 47 matters. Overflow matters will be heard at 1:00 pm which includes probation transfers, 1203.4, proof of compliance, reinstatement on probation or to a program.
Traffic court trials will continue to be heard on Fridays at 8:00 am.
Misdemeanor settlement and pretrial conferences will be heard on Fridays at 8:00 am and 1:00 pm.
Categorized in: Court Notices
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