The El Dorado Superior Court is beginning a pilot project November 2, 2015 to provide Court Reporter Transcripts electronically. Transcripts prepared by the El Dorado Superior Court staff court reporters will be delivered electronically starting November 2, 2015. The transcripts will be uploaded to a secure online document repository. An email will be generated for all parties selected for service, which includes a hyperlink to the website and a password to access the transcript. Transcripts may be viewed within the site, printed or downloaded as an Adobe Acrobat PDF document. Per diem and pro tempore contract court reporters providing service to the Court are currently not participating in the pilot project and transcripts prepared by the per diem or pro tempore court reporters may not be provided electronically. The process to request a transcript remains the same. If you are requesting a transcript please complete the Transcript Order Form available on our website at: http://www.eldoradocourt.org/self_help/local_forms.aspx.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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