Guidelines for submitting documents to the Court of Appeal that a party seeks to become part of the record on appeal.
It has come to the court’s attention that parties occasionally file a motion, application, or request which also includes documents the party seeks either: to become part of the court’s record (such as an augmented record, supplemental brief, corrected brief, or any other similar document); or to be judicially noticed. When a party electronically incorporates the documents they wish to be part of the record on appeal into the motion, application or request, this court has no way of separating the documents to become part of the official record or to be judicially noticed. Therefore, the court has established the following guidelines for submitting such documents in electronic form.
To ensure that such documents are useable as electronic records, this court requests that the party:
1. Electronically submit documents the party seeks to become part of the appellate record as a separate .pdf file at the same time as the motion, application or request.
2. Ensure such documents are formatted in compliance with this court’s Local Rule 8(b).
Guidelines for submitting documents over 300 pages in length.
Notwithstanding California Rules of Court, rules 8.127(d)(l), 8.144(c)(l) and 8.486(c)(l)(A), when submitting documents electronically, the parties may exceed the 300 page limit as long as the file size is 25 megabytes or smaller.
Guidelines for submitting documents over 300 pages in length.
Notwithstanding California Rules of Court, rules 8.127(d)(l), 8.144(c)(l) and 8.486(c)(l)(A), when submitting documents electronically, the parties may exceed the 300 page limit as long as the file size is 25 megabytes or smaller.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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