Last month, we acknowledged those who recently passed the CCLS exam. Since that post, we learned that due to a glitch in the tabulation process, there were more who earned this distinction. We thought it was only appropriate to recognize them all once again in a complete list. So, congratulations to all who recently passed the CCLS Examination.
Audrey Alonso, CCLS – San Diego LSA
Carla Clark, CCLS – San Diego LSA
Alexandra Gaspar, CCLS – San Mateo LPA
Lisa Jackson, CCLS – Member At Large
Anne Lee, CCLS – San Diego LSA
Amy Mann, CCLS – Desert Palm LPA
Cheron McAleece, CCLS – Beverly Hills/Century City LSA
Michele Mitchell, CCLS – San Diego LSA
Karen Moberg, CCLS – San Diego LSA
Lorri Nicolini, CCLS – San Francisco LPA
Corinne Patera, CCLS – San Gabriel Valley LSA
Terri Reilly, CCLS – San Diego LSA
Frances L. Skaggs, CCLS – San Francisco LPA
Categorized in: General
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