Complete 15 hours of CLE
- Self-Study – no more than 5 hours
- Administrative/Mechanical (Secretarial science) functions performed by legal support staff – no more than 6 hours of which no more than 2 hours of topics not specific to legal support staff.
- Legal topics regarding the law, procedures, beneficial to legal support staff – up to 15 hours
- Certificates of Attendance/CLE for completed classes/ workshops/ seminars.* (*If submitted in paper, please submit copies – not )
- Certificates signed* / co-signed (CCLS’s cannot sign their own certificates). (*Paralegals – if you signed your own certificate, it must be co-signed by your supervising attorney.)
- Handouts** for classes of more than 0 hour.
(**If handouts are voluminous, please send front and back pages, TOC and speaker’s biography; if necessary, Certifying Board will request copy of entire handout.)
- Payment of $25 (check or Stripe)
- Electronic submission to cbm4@legalprofessionalsinc.org
- Paper submission to:
CCLS Recertification Chair
Sally Butterworth, CCLS
895 Rushings Trace
Alpine, CA 91901
The above is not an exhaustive list. The Certifying Board strongly recommends that all CCLSs read the Standards for Recertification that is posted on LPI’s website for more detailed information as well as any updated information before recertifying.
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