In our research of the state court’s websites, we found that many of the courts have posted information about proposed changes to their Local Rules and Local Fees to take effect on July 1, 2023.
We have compiled a list of those courts and provided links to the information on their websites for review. Those counties are listed below. Simply click to learn more.
The Court is proposing to make changes to its Local Fees. These new changes will become effective on July 1, 2023, when adopted. New fees are in red and the language to be deleted is lined through.
The court invites you to review and provide your comments on these proposals as required by the State of California Rules of Court, Rule 10.613. You may send your comments to: LocalRulesComment@humboldtcourt.ca.gov. Comments will be accepted through 5:00 pm Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
Please see the Court Notification and Proposed Amendments provided by the link on the court’s website.
The Court has proposed changes to its Local Rules of Court and Local Fees. Comments are accepted through Monday, May 1, 2023, at 4:00 pm. If approved, the proposed changes become effective on July 1, 2023.
Proposed Local Rules of Court effective July 1, 2023, have been posted for the 45-day public review period, which ends May 17, 2023.
INVITATION TO COMMENT: The Monterey County Superior Court submits the below Local Court Rules for public comment as required by California Rules of Court, rule 10.613. A summary of the proposed changes also appears below. An indication of “No changes” means that nothing was changed other than formatting improvements.
The public’s input is highly valued by the Court and the Court encourages all interested parties to submit constructive comments so we may continually enhance the administration of justice. Comments may be submitted via email to localrulecomment@monterey.courts.ca.gov.The last day to comment is May 1, 2023.
Pursuant to California Rules of Court 10.613(g)(2), the San Francisco Superior Court is providing notice that the public comment period for the proposed changes to the Local Rules effective July 1, 2023, has commenced. The comment period will run from March 15, 2023, through April 28, 2023.
The Court is making changes to its Local Court Rules. These new changes will become effective July 1, 2023. The Court invites you to review and provide your comment on these proposals as afforded pursuant to the State of California Rules of Court, Rules 10.613 and 10.815.
The court proposes changes to Rule 13.02, Mental Competency Proceedings.
Categorized in: Court Notices, Legal Procedure
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