The Judicial Council at its January 12 business meeting heard an overview of Governor Brown’s proposed FY 2018–19 state budget released this week. The proposal provides $4.2 billion for the judicial branch, which includes $150 million in new funding for local trial court operations and a commitment to fund construction for ten new courthouse projects. The judicial branch budget represents 2% of total state funds.
“I thank the Governor for this very strong budget proposal for the judicial branch,” said Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, chair of the council. “This marks the sixth consecutive and most significant year of investment in the judicial branch. The proposal is a significant adjustment to trial court operations and will increase access for the public.”
“The Governor’s proposal recognizes that for state government to be effective you have to have an adequately functioning judicial branch,” said Martin Hoshino, the council’s administrative director. “Adequate funding is so important to actually restoring, maintaining, and expanding vital services for court users. But I would remind everybody that it’s just a proposal. We look forward to working with the Legislature and the Governor’s office and our capitol partners and stakeholders and interested parties in our system to see if we can end the budget cycle with the same good news we started with.”
Over the next several months, the Chief Justice and the Judicial Council, with the support of trial and appellate court leaders, the bar, and other justice system stakeholders, will continue to advocate with the Governor and the Legislature on judicial branch funding and the proposed state budget.
Other items on the council meeting agenda include:
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