On September 16, 2016, the Alameda County Superior Court will begin using a new method of summoning residents to serve as jurors. Instead of an envelope containing a summons and directions, prospective jurors will now receive a postcard which indicates when and where they are to appear for jury service. The postcard doubles as a juror badge and should be brought to the courthouse. A copy of a representative postcard appears below.
The postcard directs the prospective juror to respond by using eJuror, an online application that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at www.alameda.courts.ca.gov/eJuror. Prospective jurors without access to a computer may complete a paper form, which can be requested by calling the Jury Services Division at 510-891-6031.
The change from a summons in an envelope to a postcard summons reduces printing and postage costs by an estimated $50,000 per year. This is another example of the Superior Court’s efforts to reduce costs and become more efficient in response to cuts in court funding. It also reflects the expansion of Superior Court services to accommodate the public’s interest in conducting business online, instead of in person. Additional types of jury business that can be conducted online rather than in person or by mail include postponing service to a more convenient date and resolving questions about whether a person is qualified to serve.
For more information about responding to a jury summons, please visit the Court’s website at www.alameda.courts.ca.gov or call 510-891-6031.
Categorized in: Court Notices, Legal Procedure
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