As reported by Budget Services of the Judicial Council of California:
At its July 28, 2017 meeting, the Judicial Council made 2017–2018 Trial Court Trust Fund (TCTF) and General Fund allocations to trial courts. Attachment A provides a summary of each court’s recommended base and one-time allocations for 2017–2018, and Attachments C through H provide details. To assist courts in budgeting the allocations for the Schedule 1, Attachment B displays the recommended allocations by their associated General Ledger account.
The Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee’s report to the council provides helpful discussion and detail behind the allocations. The following is the link to the report on the California Courts website: Judicial Council report on Trial Court Allocations.
In addition, please note the following: The final reduction for fund balances above the 1% cap will likely occur in December 2017 based on courts’ final 2016– 2017 year-end fund balance information.
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