In an effort to improve customer service and reduce wait times, the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda, piloted extended customer service hours in its Civil Division effective October I, 2014.
The Court is now formalizing extended hours in Civil, as well as announcing extended customer service hours -until 4:30 p.m. -for the Criminal, Juvenile, Family Law, Court Records, and Appeals Unit Clerk’s Offices effective Monday, January 6, 2016.
The Court is not adding staff to achieve the hours’ extensions, and is still operating with about 26 percent fewer employees than five years ago, as a result of budget cuts.
Also effective January 6, 2016, the Court will temporarily suspend the collection of filing fees for motions in limine. That fee will be the subject of discussions by a statewide working group convened by the Judicial Council. The Court will participate in that working group and will determine, based on its progress, whether and when to reinstate the motion in limine filing fees. Notwithstanding the Court’s decision on the filing fees, all provisions of Local Rule 3.36(e) remain in full effect.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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