Criminal Records Seals (SB-731)
SB-731 was signed into law by Governor Newsom in the fall of 2022 and makes California the first U.S. state to allow old convictions on a person’s criminal record to be permanently sealed.
Conviction and arrest records for most ex-offenders who are not convicted of another felony for four years after completing their sentences and any parole or probation will be automatically sealed by this bill–as will arrest records that do not bring convictions.
The bill would apply to offenses such as domestic violence but does exclude those convicted of serious and violent felonies, and felonies for which sex offender registration is required.
Remote Court Appearances (SB-241)
This bill, which gave Californians the option to appear in court via video conferencing as an alternative to in-person court appearances, was set to expire on July 1, 2023. However, Governor Newsom signed SB-133 that would allow the use of technology to continue remote services through January 1, 2026.
Filing Restraining Orders Online (AB-2960)
Californians now have the option to electronically request and file for restraining orders related to domestic violence or gun violence in lieu of having to appear in person at the court to do so.
Workers Compensation (SB-216)
As a result of this bill, a contractor could lose their license for failure to carry worker’s compensation insurance. This new penalty will be added to the requirement that contractors carry such a policy.
Gun Lawsuits (SB-1327)
This bill allows private citizens to now bring suit against companies that make and sell firearms if they sell assault weapons or ghost gun products–which are already illegal in California.
Housing Laws (AB-2011) / (SB-6)
AB-2011 and SB-6 streamline the construction of affordable multi-family housing on land that is zoned for commercial, retail or parking use, as well as strengthen the wage laws and health benefits rules for construction contractors.
Juneteenth (AB-1655)
Juneteenth is added to the list of California state holidays. This will mean community colleges and public schools will close on June 19 and state employees will be given paid time off for the holiday.
Online sellers will need to disclose more information re third-party sellers (SB 301)
Online marketplaces are now required to keep track of more information about third-party sellers who generate a “high volume” of sales. This includes contact information and a bank account number or the name of the payee who is conducting the third-party sales.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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